Upcoming events.

Event Two

Event Two

"Unions for All" Richmond Mayoral Candidate Forum

5 candidates for Mayor of Richmond. 100+ Union members, family, and friends from nearly 20 local unions and labor organizations. Candidates may bring staff.

(Participating unions and labor organizations include: SEIU 32BJ, UFCW 400, Local 10 Plumbers & Steamfitters, UNITE HERE Local 23, IBEW Local 666, Richmond Building Trades, UNITE HERE Local 25, SEIU Virginia 512, Central VA Labor Federation, Teamsters Local 322, IAM&AW Local Lodge 10, Richmond Professional Firefighters Association., IAFF Local 995, Richmond Coalition of Police, Central Virginia Chapter APRI, Carpenters Local 205, SMART Sheet Metal Workers Local 100, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 51, Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association, LIUNA Local 804)

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Event One

Event One

Event to discuss with MBL about Richmond’s future with business and other items on the agenda. This is a Town Hall Forum.

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